Top 10 FAQs Holy Thai Basil

Are you just as confused as I’ve been about what’s Holy Thai Basil?  Don’t worry, these top FAQs answered by a Thai cooking class instructor will help you out!

 Holy Thai Basil’s leaves are jagged, and it has white flowers. Thai Basil’s leaves are smooth, and it has purple flowers and purple stems on it.

 Holy Thai Basil has a peppery, with a hint of clove taste. Some people say it’s so intense that it almost has a numbing effect to your tongue like a Sichuan pepper. Thai Basil has a distinct licorice or some say aniseed flavor.

 Holy Thai Basil is used in stir-fries like Pad Krapaw, and Drunken Noodles. Thai Basil is sprinkled on Thai curries. Check out the link to read the other FAQs!

Are you just as confused as I’ve been about what’s Holy Thai Basil?  Don’t worry, these top FAQs answered by a Thai cooking class instructor will help you out!