If you love Thai food, Thai chile paste should have a designated home in your pantry and become one of your best cooking friends.
Mama Noodles Thai-Style Omelette with Cheese
My Thai sister-n-law Oi was looking at a Thai recipe on her computer, and got super excited. I asked her what it was, and she said it was a Thai…
Yum Bacon | Spicy Thai Bacon Salad
One of my favorite parts about having my sister-n-law, Oi, from Thailand in town for the last month was cooking with her. I’ve never seen Dom’s mom lift a pan…
5 Reasons Why You Can Cook Thai Food Too
When people hear that I’m not Thai, but I’m American and that I usually cook Thai food five out of seven days a week (if it’s an awesome week) and…
Easy Thai Green Curry Chicken Spaghetti
I had written out our weekly menu earlier in the week, but for Wednesday I had written “Random”— aka I had run out of ideas for what to make for…
What is Fish Sauce?
A friend asked me what was in one of my Thai recipes the other day. I started listing off the ingredients, and I almost cringed when I got to, “fish sauce,”…
Tamarind Jam Recipe
I try to be crafty, but usually whenever I bring home the “crafts” I make during my Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) group, my hubby takes one look and says,”Umm, honey…what’s…
Easy Crockpot Thai Chicken Curry
Crockpots are nonexistent in Thailand because why would you need one when you can get a quick, authentic Thai meal for a dollar when you walk out your door down…
5 Reasons I Love Our Thai-American Family
She’s here! Milana Jane Pengjad was born on September 9 at 7:55pm, weighing in at 6.14 lbs and 19.5 in! We can’t believe she is finally with us! We are…
Thai-Foodie’s Pregnant Pause
I’ve missed you all! In case you were wondering where I disappeared to, I’ve been waiting for my little girl to arrive, which means channeling all my energy into playing…